Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What the Hell is Going on?

   I suppose I should at least give you a synopsis of what the play is about.

   The play is about three people who are assigned to torture each other for eternity. Of course, one does not know this right from the get go, but essentially the three form a little triangle of not-love; each pair is the punishment of the odd one out. The play has four characters, the Valet (basically a chill demon), Garcin (a complete asshole who seeks refuge through solitary reflection, but of course fails), Inez (a sadistic lesbian who refuses to allow the other two characters to be happy, as well as acts as the voice of Sartre), and Estelle (a bimbo who seeks only pleasure in the most superficial of things, i.e. attention and self-ignorance). The Valet is more or less the character that sets the sarcastic tone for the play, who, from the very beginning, laughs in Garcin's face about his human dignity. The other three simply duke it out, pulling at the wits of each other (being each others' torturers). I do not want to spoil the ending, but the entire story is very enlightening as to the social implications of living a lie (however, those who are not self-aware will most likely not pick up on this. Such a shame). I highly recommend reading the play as well as looking into Sartre's philosophies. He is extremely intense, and it is well worth your while to take a few hours to read up on it. You only have one shot on the impact you make, so choose wisely ;]

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