Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Last Post Ever... HELL YES

   As much fun as these book blogs have been (and I have actually really enjoyed this project), it is time to close. I really appreciated having you as a teacher. Granted, the year has been rough, but it's really nothing you did. It sucks that you got stuck with that gigantic class, it really disabled you from doing the things you really wanted to do. I know you are brilliant, and you enjoy finding brilliance in your students. Also, I thank you for pointing me in the right direction to the literature that has allowed me to grow so much in my philosophies. I promise I'm not suicidal, and I promise I don't hate the English department. Rather, I thought the English department hated me, and I was trying to let it blow over xD. But I do find liberation in my denial of a soul, god, meaning to life, etc. It's the freedom from culture and superficiality and idiocy that makes me able to accept myself and the world around me—the same freedom that Sartre talks about by denying "bad faith." Existentialism and Nihilism are two beautiful philosophies, despite their outward appearance as colorless and dark. Everything makes sense now, and I can't wait to really study Sartre and his ideas to continue my path on the exit from Hell. Thank you for having that debate with me on May 18, 2011. I honestly have no one to have deep debates with like that, and I'm sure that's no surprise to you. I may be an ass, but I'm one that is looking for the truth. Have a good one, Rebeske.

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