Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Publication Blurb... To Hell with that!

   Huis Clos, or as we Amerricahns calls it No Exit, was originally published in 1944. The author, of course, is Jean-Paul Sartre (that's Sar-trah), with the version I used being a translation by Stuart Gilbert and Lionel Abel. The play is published in English with three other plays (conveniently titled No Exit and Three Other Plays) in 1955, but I used the 1989 version of the same title released by Vintage International out of New York. The play debuted live in May of 1944, right before the liberation of Paris. Since then, the play has taken movie form many times, and none of which have found much success (on account of my inability to find any kind of clip from any of the legitimate movie attempts). Nonetheless, the play is fantastic, a quick read, and absolutely worth your time. There are several gems of insight to be gained from the play, and, if nothing else, it has a very interesting perspective on Hell. Enjoy.

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