Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Yah, I'll Let It Go When Hell Freezes Over

    "So you haven't yet got over your—what-do-you-call-it?—sense of human dignity? Excuse my smiling."

    Of all places for someone to care what others think of them, the last place, in my opinon, would be "Hell". Granted, if they are in "Hell", they probably don't have that kind of self-awareness and sense. However, for someone condemned to an eternity of suffering, I would think that person would just let it go for the betterment of the group, make a joke out of it, perhaps. But that, too, would be the pragmatic thing to do, and the "condemned" obviously don't exhibit that kind of sensibility. I suppose the argument is moot, at any rate. There's not a hell anyway :]
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